Contributing Factors to Tobacco Products Research Paper

Smoking and snus use among Norwegian students: Demographic, personality and substance use characteristics

The current study contributes with several novel findings regarding traits associated with smoking and snus use. Though limited by a cross-sectional design, the current findings may suggest that the group of students using snus consists of a combination of previous smokers, students who would have smoked if snus was not available and a new segment who may not have used nicotine if snus was not available.

January 12, 2021 Download

Hispanics/Latinos' Cigarette and E-cigarette Use: Behavioral and Self-rated Health

In this paper, we examine if serious psychological distress (SPD), binge drinking, and self-rated health predict dual-use of tobacco cigarette and e-cigarette compared with no use or the use of only one product among Hispanics/Latinos (H/L). By increasing our understanding of determinants of dual-use, we can identify the most vulnerable groups and intervention targets.

January 01, 2021 Download

Developmental patterns of tobacco product and cannabis use initiation in high school

Older age, peer cannabis use and delinquent behavior appear to be risk factors for the initiation of tobacco/cannabis product use among high school students in the Los Angeles metropolitan region. Early and higher-risk polyproduct use initiation appears to be associated with greater escalation of past 30-day and daily tobacco and cannabis use at the end of the high school.

July 07, 2020 Download

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