Nicotine and Health Research Paper

Royal-jelly-based apitherapy can attenuate damages to male reproductive parameter following nicotine administration

Royal jelly upregulates the antioxidant status, inhibits the mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis pathway, and increases the rate of proliferation. This therapeutic agent effectively protected the testis against nicotine-associated damages by antioxidant and anti-apoptotic effects.

March 11, 2022 Download

A Measure of Illness Awareness in Individuals With Nicotine Dependence-Nicotine Use Awareness and Insight Scale

 Impaired illness awareness or the inability to recognize that one has a dependence on nicotine may be a major barrier to seeking cessation treatment. To better understand the role of impaired illness awareness on treatment-seeking behavior and clinical outcomes, we developed and examined the psychometric properties of a novel scale measuring illness awareness in individuals with dependence on nicotine.

March 01, 2022 Download

Using Virtual Reality to Induce and Assess Objective Correlates of Nicotine Craving: Paradigm Development Study

Craving is a clinically important phenotype for the development and maintenance of nicotine addiction. Virtual reality (VR) paradigms are successful in eliciting cue-induced subjective craving and may even elicit stronger craving than traditional picture-cue methods. However, few studies have leveraged the advances of this technology to improve the assessment of craving.

February 15, 2022 Download

Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) Use and Pregnancy II: Perinatal Outcomes Following ENDS Use During Pregnancy

This review examines the risk of adverse perinatal outcomes following electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) use during pregnancy, and considers whether there are sufficient data to support ENDS as a harm reduction approach during pregnancy.

September 08, 2021 Download

Nicotine preference and affective behavior of Cd81 knockout mice

Cd81 knockouts have a strongly increased nicotine preference, plus a proactive response to specific stressful situations. Together with reports of increased striatal dopamine content and anecdotal reports of increased aggressiveness, these provide intriguing parallels to some aspects of post-traumatic stress disorder.

September 07, 2021 Download

Nicotine Induces Maternal and Fetal Inflammatory Responses Which Predispose Intrauterine Infection Risk in a Rat Model

The 1 mg/kg/d nicotine dose decreased risk of intrauterine infection, with increased MIR and FIR. The 3 mg/kg/d nicotine dose inhibited FIR, and increased risk for intrauterine infection. Nicotine alterations of the intrauterine environment were markedly dose-dependent.

August 29, 2021 Download

Oral health practices and self-reported adverse effects of E-cigarette use among dental students in 11 countries: an online survey

E-cigarette use has become popular, particularly among the youth. Its use is associated with harmful general and oral health consequences. This survey aimed to assess self-reported oral hygiene practices, oral and general health events, and changes in physiological functions (including physical status, smell, taste, breathing, appetite, etc.) due to E-cigarette use among dental students.

January 26, 2022 Download

Ginseng alleviates folliculogenesis disorders via induction of cell proliferation and downregulation of apoptotic markers in nicotine-treated mice

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Panax Ginseng (PG) on folliculogenesis, proliferation, and apoptosis in the ovary impaired by nicotine.

January 23, 2022 Download

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