Cessation Research Paper

Development and beta test of a smokeless tobacco cessation program for firefighters

The prevalence of smokeless tobacco (SLT) use among firefighters is substantially higher than the general population and similar occupational groups. Despite the significant health risks associated with SLT and its impact on occupational readiness, there are no occupationally-tailored SLT education or treatment programs for the fire service. The purpose of this study was to beta test QUIT SPIT!, a self-help SLT cessation program that is culturally tailored for the US fire service and firefighters who are interested in quitting.

April 08, 2021 Download

Money up in smoke': The financial benefits of smoking cessation may be more motivating to people who are homeless than potential health gains

High rates of tobacco smoking among people who are homeless or living in temporary accommodation exacerbate poor health outcomes and financial disadvantage. There is limited research on this population's perceptions of smoking cessation benefits or support strategies.

April 07, 2021 Download

Knowledge, Attitude and Smoking Patterns Among Pregnant Women: A Jordanian Perspective

There is a high prevalence of smokers among pregnant women in Jordan. The level of awareness regarding long-term consequences of tobacco use remains low. Educational programs should include information about the hazards of all forms of smoking. Pregnancy provides a good opportunity for promoting smoking cessation.

April 06, 2021 Download

Evaluation of Nicotine Dependence in Adult Population of Eastern Nepal

The information regarding degree of nicotine dependence can be used as baseline information for planning of preventive strategies and implementation of tobacco cessation and control programs.

April 01, 2021 Download

Patterns and predictors of nicotine replacement therapy use among alcohol and other drug clients enrolled in a smoking cessation randomised controlled trial

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) use to support client smoking quit attempts is low and inconsistent at alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment services. This study examined predictors of any NRT use and combination NRT use among AOD clients who were smokers.

March 29, 2021 Download

Effectiveness of Electronic Cigarettes in Smoking Cessation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Our results suggest that nicotine ECs may be more effective in smoking cessation when compared with placebo ECs or NRT. When compared with counseling alone, nicotine ECs are more effective short term, but its effectiveness appears to diminish with later follow-ups. Given the small number of studies, heterogeneous design, and the overall moderate to low quality of evidence, it is not possible to offer clear recommendations.

March 19, 2021 Download

Dual Use of Electronic Cigarettes and Traditional Cigarettes Among Adults: Psychosocial Correlates and Associated Respiratory Symptoms

Prolonged dual use of both e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes is a considerable public health problem. While our study identified a low percentage of dual usage among U.S. adults, dual use was disproportionately prevalent among those with depression, history of child maltreatment, living at or below the poverty line, and among Hispanic-American individuals. Culturally appropriate interventions and increasing access to cessation programs may help mitigate health disparities pertaining to dual use.

March 09, 2021 Download

Correlates of e-cigarette use among active duty US military personnel: implications for cessation policy

The results demonstrate that exclusive e-cigarette users in the military have unique characteristics when compared with groups of other/mixed tobacco users. Findings can inform cessation and prevention efforts to improve both the overall health and combat readiness of active duty military personnel.

March 04, 2021 Download

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